Thursday, January 28, 2010


I am passionate about equipping parents and teachers but this project would not have been possible without a gift from the late Dr. Gordon Parker.

Thanks to my husband Bob for the many hours he works on this project behind the scene.
The variety and high standard of music on these Cd's reflects the amazing talent of Steve Wiggins.

* All the Cd's have dynamic, imaginative music and sound effects which appeal to children; are not too fast; have excellent lyrics and are good value - at least 40+ minutes each. The songs have been tried in a class environment and teachers will find they will use almost all of the songs on each CD. It is disappointing when there are only one or two songs on a CD which actually suit a class environment. Made by a teacher for parents and teachers.

* Songs with a purpose - to develop children using fun action songs.

* All Cd's have actions and word sheets included, but separate pages may be printed
from this website. Also see pictures and ideas for each CD.
* Listen to music clips of each song - see individual titles below Index list.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New Pirate Song - Book & CD !

24 page A4 book including cover & CD Ready to Laminate and bind.
$12.00 plus post ($3.00) in NZ. contact -

Most songs are original.
Thanks to Helen Willberg for generously donating "My Lovely Lycra" to this CD.
Not too fast - with lyrics children can hear and relate to. Most songs have actions.
The variety and high standard of music on this CD. reflects the talent of Steve Wiggins.

Word Sheets with actions are avalible for free downloads.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cd's in Three Categories:

1. Fun - Action - Educational - 2 Cd's

2. Christmas For Kids (suitable for concerts etc) - 1 CD

3. Faith Building - 2 Cd's

1. Fun Action Songs - with an educational, developmental focus.

Excellent for first year Primary school teachers, Early Childhood educators and parents. Children learning through music and fun. "Boy" songs too! Not too fast. These songs focus on enhancing fine motor skills, spatial awareness, imagination, left and right brain development, co-ordination, work ethic, self esteem, perspective, basic math concepts beyond sequential counting, pointing 1:1 (a skill foundational to reading and maths) language, rhythm and movement, right and left, north and south, role playing, sharing, and extends vocabulary through songs using ribbons, instruments, Lycra, bubbles, bean bags etc. Children learn to follow instructions, preparing them for school. Teachers have commented that if they need a song for any given topic the first place they look is in the Lambsongs range of Cd's! There is even a very trendy healthy food song.