1. Fun - Action - Educational - 2 Cd's
2. Christmas For Kids (suitable for concerts etc) - 1 CD
3. Faith Building - 2 Cd's
1. Fun Action Songs - with an educational, developmental focus.
Excellent for first year Primary school teachers, Early Childhood educators and parents. Children learning through music and fun. "Boy" songs too! Not too fast. These songs focus on enhancing fine motor skills, spatial awareness, imagination, left and right brain development, co-ordination, work ethic, self esteem, perspective, basic math concepts beyond sequential counting, pointing 1:1 (a skill foundational to reading and maths) language, rhythm and movement, right and left, north and south, role playing, sharing, and extends vocabulary through songs using ribbons, instruments, Lycra, bubbles, bean bags etc. Children learn to follow instructions, preparing them for school. Teachers have commented that if they need a song for any given topic the first place they look is in the Lambsongs range of Cd's! There is even a very trendy healthy food song.